ABReC Data Sharing Agreements
Data Suppliers - Terms and Conditions
Records for inclusion in the database are accepted on the understanding
that the data owner (either an individual or organisation) has read and
agreed to the following terms and conditions.
1. The information held on the database will be made freely available
through the National Biodiversity Network Atlas and may be used for any
purpose that meets the objectives of ABReC. This is subject to any special conditions made by the recorder at
the time of submission.
2. The records will be passed to recognised national recording schemes
and may be shared with other specialist recording groups unless
otherwise specified at the time of submission by the recorder.
3. Records may be subject to verification and accuracy checks, and may
be reformatted to fit the requirements of the final datasets. Obvious
errors may be corrected without reference to the original recorder.
4. No personal information other than the name of the recorder and
determiner will be included within the datasets. The contact details of
the recorder and determiner will be retained with the original record.
5. Sensitive records will be stored at full grid reference resolution,
but made available publicly at a lower resolution as specified by the
original recorder or if it is considered appropriate. Full details will
be made available only to approved groups or individuals.
6. Recorders wishing to retain control over data for their own purposes
(e.g. pending publications) should either delay submission or submit it
with a request that the record or specified parts of it should not be
made public until ABReC is notified.
7. Records are accepted on the understanding that the person submitting
the data either collected the original information or has the permission
of the recorder(s) and that reasonable measures have been taken to
ensure the accuracy of the data.
8. Recorders are responsible for notifying the ABReC of any changes to
the submitted records.
9. At the written request of the recorder, the conditions pertaining to
the future use of those records may be changed or the records and any
archive copies will be deleted from the database.
10. ABReC will take all reasonable measures to maintain the security of
their database and archives, and to control access to this information.